The topics are so broad that you can go pretty much anywhere with them. It would be fun to see how y'all interpret each question! Here are the topics if you would like to join in:
Discipleship is a form of evangelism. That is why I'm so thankful that Amy has made it a priority and is obedient in her to life to evangelize by discipling me and many other women. There will be no need for it in heaven and we will have lost our chance to do so on earth by then. The fact that we're still here is a call to disciple. It is how Amy Cooper has made my heart alive by pointing me to Jesus and I hope that by God's grace I can do the same for others!
Okay - back to today's topic which is....
Write a blog thanking someone who has made your heart come alive.
The only person that has really made my heart come alive is Jesus Christ. So I will pick somebody who has pointed me to Jesus in order to make my heart come alive.
First option is my husband. He is my leader and continually strives to point me to Jesus. I love him and am so thankful for his leadership. But I want this particular blog to be about something different than a husband/wife relationship. I want to touch on another incredibly important relationship, and that is the relationship between a discipler and disciplee (pretty sure those aren't real words because spell check is not happy with me, but they get the point across).
I cannot talk about discipleship without mentioning Nick and Amy Cooper. They were the first people to teach me about discipleship and show me what discipleship looks like through their walks with Christ. I can't thank them enough for their teaching, love, and allowing Ryan and I to be a part of their lives over the past 4-5 years. It's truly been a life-changing experience.
Although Nick has been a huge factor in pointing me to Jesus (he was my college minister, boss, mentor, etc.), I would like to dedicate this blog to Amy. She has been through the trenches and mountaintops with me by dedicating the past few years to personally discipling me - which is no small task! I thank God for her extreme patience and love to have been able to put so much time into me a completely undeserving me. :)
The definition of discipleship is this:
Disciple - A person who learns from another, especially one who then teaches others; An active follower or adherent of someone, or some philosophy etc
Jesus commands us to disciple in the great commission:
"Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.'" Matthew 28:16-20
Paul commands us to disciple in his letter to Timothy:
"And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others." 2 Timothy 2:2
Notice the chain. Paul discipled Timothy, and called Timothy to disciple others. This is how Timothy gets fed (being discipled by Paul) in order to feed others (discipling reliable people who will also be qualified to disciple). That's discipleship in a nutshell.
Discipleship can look many ways. It can be informal; just living life together with the intention of getting in the Word and pointing that person to Jesus.
It can also be more formal; meeting once a week at a specific time going over a certain book of the Bible or study guide.
Now this is my favorite part because now we're getting back to Amy. Amy and I did (and still do) more of a formal discipleship. I'm not saying it's the best way but it worked for me. It was especially helpful earlier in my walk when I needed more structure and guidance to keep me in the Word. We meet every week and talk about successes, failures, sin, praises, God, prayer, scripture, the past, the future, and I could go on and on. Her wisdom along with the Holy Spirit guide me through my walk with Christ. It has been an integral part of knowing who I am in Christ. I'm still learning and I will be for the rest of my life. That's the great thing about discipleship. There is always a need for it until we get to heaven.
Most things will be perfected when we get to heaven:
Our bodies
Lack of sin
Fellowship with God
But there is one thing that we will not be able to do better in heaven:
Discipleship is a form of evangelism. That is why I'm so thankful that Amy has made it a priority and is obedient in her to life to evangelize by discipling me and many other women. There will be no need for it in heaven and we will have lost our chance to do so on earth by then. The fact that we're still here is a call to disciple. It is how Amy Cooper has made my heart alive by pointing me to Jesus and I hope that by God's grace I can do the same for others!
Nick, Amy, me, Ryan
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